Where science meets alternative healing.





A truly empowered woman
empowers all.


Bring transformational healing & self-empowerment tools to people worldwide. 


Cultivate global awareness around the mind-body connection and bridge the gap between science & alternative healing
by raising the consciousness
of the planet.


I’m Beena and

I am an Oncology PhysicianAssociate


Spiritual Mentor,

Quantum Healer

& Speaker.

The Yoga Movement is a holistic wellness brand

that began in 2019 with a vision of bridging the gap

between science and alternative healing

through a beautiful blend of ancient wisdom,

spiritual principles,

and holistic medicine to help individuals

transform their health and lives from inside out

through deep cellular healing,

unlocking radical levels of personal power,

and opening up to a profound shift

in perspective that brings them their desired outcomes.

Bridging science & spirit, my mission seamlessly merges my seasoned expertise in science and medicine with the transformative power of alternative healing and spirituality.

As a descendant from a maternal lineage of women who were known to be healers and medicine women who helped cure the ill, provide healing tools, and midwifed the women birthing their newborn babies…

I knew from a very young age that the women in my family had much to teach me about the power of ancient wisdom and holistic healing.

The Visionary Medicine Woman in me recognizes that traditional medicine often overlooks the root cause of disease. While there may be a place for modern medicine particularly in more urgent situations, there are other options available that can provide deeper and potentially life-long healing and transformation that many individuals are seeking.

Through my own journey with cancer at 21 and then having become a Physician Associate in Oncology, I passionately embrace the concept that true wholeness lies beyond Western medicine, addressing the root cause of disease by integrating spiritual healing to nurture the spirit and heal the body on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.

With my diverse expertise in medicine and now as a Shamanic Healer, Women’s Coach, and Spiritual Mentor, I fearlessly lead women on a profound journey towards true wholeness, acknowledging that health extends far beyond just the physical realm.

Through this transformative approach, I empower women to embrace spiritual healing so that they can unlock the path to holistic well-being and live their most vibrant lives.

This includes…

A more intimate connection with yourself and others.

Fulfilling, loving relationships where you feel deeply valued and loved.

Improving your self-confidence and self-worth to become an energetic match for your desires.

Personal growth and exploration of your own potential.

A balanced life overflowing with peace, harmony, and ease.

True love, abundance, and profound fulfillment.

A sense of true wholeness that encompasses your physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being.

A newfound or deepening of a relationship with God, unlocking spiritual facets of your life to help you evolve with trust in a higher power who has your back at all times.

My magic as

a gifted intuitive & a conduit of divine guidance

is that I can perceive the unseen

and hear the unheard.

These are God-given gifts that have been passed along

through my maternal lineage

and have helped me in empowering countless women to

access their innate wisdom and intuition,

liberating them from cookie-cutter approaches that do not resonate with them.

By illuminating their true path and shifting to higher perspectives,

these women have experienced profound breakthroughs

and shifted their trajectory to one that is truly fulfilling.

All of this through a better understanding of who they are at their core essence.

The aligned strategies come easily once a woman receives clarity on her purpose,

what she is here to fulfill,

and allows herself to become an instrument for divinity to move through her.

With deep reverence,

I am honored to walk alongside you on this transformative path of profound self-discovery,

helping you unlock your heart’s desires

and activating your soul’s highest potential,

and ushering in a new era of love, abundance, and true fulfillment.

You may have been struggling with creating a life of deep fulfillment

despite meeting societal expectations.

Perhaps feeling unfulfilled in your love life,

where your current relationship is not meeting your needs

or you are struggling to find a relationship that truly satisfies you.

You may have found it challenging to build

a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-worth,

often finding yourself settling for less than you desire in your life

and this could have impacted multiple areas of your life,

including love, career and business.

You may have felt that you constantly attract emotionally unavailable people

yet crave deep intimacy that sees you in your rawness

and holds space for the most authentic parts of you.

You may be overwhelmed with high levels of stress and demands

from work, family & other relationships

that interfere with your ability to experience true happiness and contentment.

A feeling of emotional disconnect can make one feel helpless

when expressing feelings or trying to understand the feelings of those around you.

You may be feeling stuck and unsure of how to change your situation.

Maybe you have thought about exploring your greatest potential

and are ready to dive in now

because you know it is time to create the change which you seek.

I know you have a deep desire…

…to be seen and captured for all of you.

 …to be emotionally connected with yourself.

…to draw in healthy, loving relationships that meet you in your depths.

I know you long for true intimacy,

and to feel deeply valued and loved exactly as you are.

You want way more than the status quo.

It is time to unleash your divine feminine essence…

and embark on a sacred alchemical journey together. 

There is a pool of personal power within every woman

that is accessible to her whenever she decides to plug into it. 

Through deep self-mastery

and through granting yourself your own permission

to access your personal power,

you have the ability to transform your entire life.

You can re-create your life’s blueprint

in a way that opens you up to become a magnet for massive success.


YOU have to decide and declare

this for yourself first.

Through this evolutionary process,

you get to silence the outer noise

and start following your true north.

You are the conscious co-creator of your life. 

And you can re-write your story at any time.








Let’s begin with a vulnerable share.

I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 21. 

Ironically, I was enrolled in a graduate school program

to become a Physician Associate at the time of diagnosis.

I was also in a relationship with abusive dynamics

where I felt I was not allowed to speak to my feelings and whenever I did,

I was immediately shut down for speaking my truth.

After treatment for the diagnosis, the relationship fell apart shortly thereafter.

I thought that part of my story was over…

but, in reality, the journey had just begun.

Following treatment,

I was placed on medication to provide a synthetic replacement for the thyroid hormone

my body was no longer producing on its own.

I noted that I still felt fatigue and a sense of being disconnected from my body.

In many ways, I felt I was listening to the words of clinicians

over my body’s intelligent wisdom and intuition.

And I know that this, too, was an important part of my journey

to becoming a clinician and a mentor because I now teach women

to honor the wisdom that is already ingrained within them.

The diagnosis was a portal to a profound awakening.

It opened my eyes to an unhealthy pattern of feeling powerless,

unable to communicate my feelings and needs with confidence,

and afraid of speaking my authentic truth.

It also highlighted this pattern among women in my family

who exuded these qualities of dimming their light,

not asking for much,

and not clearly expressing what they desired out of fear.

The breakthrough was when I entered my first yoga class with zero expectations,

and came out a changed woman.

A woman who felt peace in her body,

clarity in her mind,

and this fierce power that had been unlocked,

all of which allowed me to see that God

was waiting on my cue to begin the deeper healing work.

The work that does not heal on a superficial level but a deep, cellular level.

The kind of healing that transcends the healing path that modern science encompasses.

The kind of healing that liberates generational cycles of oppression, abuse, and powerlessness.

The kind of healing that awakens and ignites personal power,





and radiant health.

Yoga was my entryway into the world of alternative healing.

Since then, many new avenues have opened up

including reiki, energy healing, shamanism, intuitive guidance,

medical intuition, psychic channeling, holistic life coaching, spiritual mentorship,

and countless new modalities that I now incorporate into my programs and offerings

that are infused with the greatest medicine of all.


With 15+ years of clinical and alternative healing experience,

life has a keen way of reminding me that the key element that shifts people

from a place of disempowerment to a place of being fully embodied 

in their power is… love.

Love is the quantum leap.

Love is the highest form of quantum healing

and restores individuals to perfect, radiant health.


Divine Love.

Universal Love.

Imagine if I had written my Master’s Thesis in PA school about this

instead of complementary and integrative medicine for oncology patients…

Through my own healing journey, I discovered that I am

a Healer, Medicine Woman, & Visionary

here to birth a new paradigm of health and well-being.

A paradigm that honors the unique essence

of each individual,

including the blueprint of one’s health.

My big vision for the world is to

bridge the gap between medicine and alternative healing

by raising the consciousness of the planet

because everything is interconnected.

And a large part of this movement includes

awakening the Divine Feminine

within every woman,

so that she honors her body’s innate wisdom,

her intuition & strongest guidance system,

and her feminine power to birth the world she desires to create.

The world God wants to create through her.

Beena, The Yoga Movement, Energy Healer, Holistic Life Coach, Health Coach

Through quantum healing & transformational coaching, my mission is to guide women to discover and heal the root of unhealthy patterns, including deeply-rooted trauma, ancestral patterns, and imbalances in the nervous system.

By clearing old patterns and creating space, they receive a dose of their most potent medicine – their own self-love, personal power, and divinity.

Yes, the medicine you are searching for is within.

It is one of my greatest passions to empower women to tap into their own gift of deep self-love in a way that is unique and authentic to them. 

To create intimacy that starts from within.

And harness the personal power that is always accessible to them so that they can create their desired reality from a place of ease and magnetic attraction rather than strenuous effort that often leads to burnout.

Together, we co-create a pathway with aligned strategies that serve you as you evolve and expand – strategies that feel good and bring more ease into your life. Through this powerful work, I have had the honor of witnessing so many women transform into the queen of their lives and live a life that is full of love, abundance, peace and true fulfillment.

This is my intention for all women.

These women have manifested…


Careers with higher salaries while working less days a week


Luxury travels & all-expenses-paid trips around the world


High-value soulmates where the connection is easy and absolutely magnetic


Senior-level positions with stakes in the company when they actually applied for an entry-level position


A multi-million-dollar business in just 1.5 years


Major improvements in health including drastic reduction of a head tremor, chronic improvement of neck pain, improvement in thyroid function, and weaning off of prescribed medications that were once considered a necessity for bipolar disorder


Doubling their income, increasing time and location freedom, and working with a fabulous team after previously having a streak of toxic work environments


Magnetizing the love of her life through a wild synchronicity of events when she previously thought it could only happen through dating apps


Expanding from a six-figure to a seven-figure business with ease and flow

I have a deep, passionate calling in this lifetime

to empower women to reach for

their highest potential. 

It is truly my greatest honor and passion to empower women to their highest.

And if you are reading this far…

it is your turn to be ignited.

You are not your physical symptoms.

You are not your energetic blockages.

You are not your hormonal imbalances or your health diagnosis.

You are a multi-dimensional spiritual being,

having a human experience,

here to be fully self-expressed in your gifts,

your passion,

and your purpose.

I want to know your story and what you are here to birth in this lifetime.





is now available online.

A 12-week self-paced,

self-study online program

for the women ready to embody her inner Goddess

and magnetize her desires

from a place of ease, flow, and magnetic attraction. 


Here are the different ways we can work together

to co-create your desired outcome in a way that is empowering for you.

Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching


A high-touch coaching program designed to help high-performing women create a life of true fulfillment by ditching the status quo and creating a healthy foundation of love, optimal health,  & abundance. Re-define success according to your authentic desires.



Executive leadership coaching program for the high-achieving woman who feels called to step into the new paradigm of feminine leadership and scale to higher levels of success through the feminine principles of ease and flow.

Do less, be more.


A bespoke offering of
highly transformative
and unique health & wellness programs that are focused on employee satisfaction, fostering a healthy environment for stronger teamwork, and amplifying the company’s vision to serve the world on a bigger scale. 


“Before meeting Beena, I was someone that had experienced burnout both professionally and personally. I had worked with other healers, incorporated healing practices, read many personal development books, and had a relationship/dating coach. I was someone that carried a “hard work” paradigm. The burnout led to the development of a health issue, and I truly did not feel worthy or any closer to my desires. Others around me seemed to be moving forward. I felt stuck and stagnant, and like I was sinking deeper into despair. My self worth and esteem were shot. I knew I had the power to do something–and it was then that I was led to Beena.
Beena is the most wonderful soul–she is a true healer. She makes you feel incredibly comfortable and at ease–and pushes you out of your comfort zone with grace and compassion. She is your biggest cheerleader and truly wants to see you transform. In this 10-week container, I entered as a cocoon, and transformed into a butterfly. The tools and practices she offers allow for deep transformation to occur. She helped me fall more deeply in love with myself (and not in a cliche way), helped me to see myself as the whole and worthy goddess I am, and to step into my empowered Queen energy where my desires flow easily and effortlessly.
During this container I gained acceptance of my health issue (that also drastically reduced), called in an incredible new job opportunity where I was treated like a Queen with respect, had strangers offer to assist me, shed my people pleasing tendencies, and called in more love and abundance. I also realized that I am whole and worthy as I am, and I always will be. I know that I am a Queen and Goddess.
If you are on the fence about coaching but have a yearning for deep transformation do yourself a favor and work with Beena. You will walk away as an empowered, radiant, and magnificent Queen that you are!”

Amy, Private coaching client

First I’d like to say that I took Beena’s class after trying pretty much everything. I was a fast moving driven person raised and living in Manhattan with no time for anything. Even though I have a great career, I was constantly feeling anxiety, irritated and my mind was in the future (always trying to be 2 steps ahead) I took Beena’s class in St Lucia (BodyHoliday). I figured I would blend in and she would eventually realize that I’m not really good/average and focus on the more advanced – BOY was I wrong. First, she has a really nurturing and calm energy about her. I couldn’t believe how effortlessly she synced with everyone’s energy. she knew when and how to speak to individuals. She discussed more advanced things with some, while explaining it to all. She transitioned from, yoga, mindful meditation, acknowledgments and so many other things so effortlessly I couldn’t believe how relaxed and empowered I felt while breaking a sweat(yes you also get really toned)! She took the time to talk to us individually really focusing on our journey and giving amazing advice. With her techniques I have now learned to live in the present more. I feel more empowered mentally and less defensive. I’m breathing a lot easier, and FINALLY taking the time to honor my body (even between the toes – her saying in yoga). I am trying to see if my firm can book Beena for some in office wellness group sessions (yes she is that good) Can’t thank her enough! Highly recommended

– Ken G.

Beena was our guest Yoga presenter at BodyHoliday St Lucia in October. She did a phenomenal job, guests really appreciated her authenticity, professionalism and personalisation. Working with Beena was a breeze as she always thinks what’s best for her clients and has an infectious positive energy. I highly recommend Beena and would work again with her in a heart beat.

Daryn B., Health & Well-Being Leader at BodyHoliday in St. Lucia

I took one sacred feminine energy yoga class with Beena and it impacted me more than I ever thought it would. With Beena, I was able to see the bigger picture when it came to developing my inner agni. She allowed me to really see the therapeutic and healing practice of feminine yoga. Working with Beena as an events partner and as a student gifted me knowledge, confidence and understanding and all of it with an open heart.

Euxhenia Hodo, ZO Spaces

Beena did a 1 on 1 virtual yoga session with me in the midst of the COVID pandemic. She spent the first few minutes exploring my mind set and intentions for the session which set a tone of real connectedness with her. Her soothing voice guided me through a gentle flow that really released some major tension I was feeling almost like she was reading my mind on what I needed to hear and let go of in that moment. It is evident she takes her practice seriously with the utmost professionalism and puts all her heart into it. She makes the session indivdualized and unique just for you. Her passion emanated into me. I was so relaxed after the session, I showered and slept like a baby that night. I am looking forward to our next session together! She has a true gift.

– Corinne S. –

I hired Beena to lead a gentle stretching and meditation session for myself and a group of coworkers as a team building activity. We spoke on the phone two times to really tailor the session for my team and Beena was able to build in everything we requested. We really worked well together and Beena was really receptive to feedback, which is always important to me. She also made herself available to answer question from my team. I highly recommend Beena for group sessions in addition to individual sessions!

Anne D., Arkadium –

I had some wonderfully healing sessions with Beena at the BodyHoliday in October. I was lucky enough to have a 1:1 where we both laughed, cried and connected as soul sisters. Her wisdom, philosophy and depth of understanding around our hopes and fears has guided me far beyond our session. Her sunset yoga classes on the ocean deck, looking out at the sea, are memories which will stay with me for a long time. Thank you, Beena, for sharing your journey with me and for helping me move forward on mine with meaning.

Laura –

The Yoga Movement
The Yoga Movement