This is a 12-month coaching program for the high-achieving woman who desires to create a life by design
where her success is built upon creating a fulfilling life on her own terms.
You might have the dream job and the outfits to outwardly show the world that your life is fabulous.
Internally, however, you still do not feel that you are doing enough,
which holds you back from fully honoring and appreciating the journey along the way.
Rather than finding more ways to hustle and create a recipe for burnout
that has most women feeling like they are not enough despite how many achievements they have attained,
you have a feeling it is time for drastic change in your life.
You may be seeking to grow as a conscious leader from a heart-centered place,
embodying more feminine principles of compassion, love, and vulnerability
while also upholding a high level of self-confidence and emotional intelligence.
If you feel there is a deeper calling to your life
and are longing to create a powerful legacy through your gifts,
your feminine power,
your wisdom,
& your unique leadership,
Ignite Your Queen is the program for you.
This is for you if you know there is more to life than just climbing the clinical or corporate ladder.
Milestones are great to reach but without the right relationships, who do you celebrate with?
Receiving the dream salary is amazing but without spending quality time with your loved ones,
how much more can you attain before it feels like you have been riding a hamster wheel to nowhere?
Success is ever-evolving and includes way more than the next job title.
Without knowing your infinite worth,
no amount of external success can compensate for what feels missing on the inside.
That feeling of being disconnected from your body and the truth of who you really are
can take a toll and eventually lead to chronic burn-out and exhaustion (my guess is you already know this).
This, then, permeates into your personal life and impacts the quality of your relationships,
health, finances, and so much more.
We are here at a pivotal time on the planet.
With all the powerful shifts taking place along with new advancements in healing,
the mental health space,
and technology,
more women are looking to step into a path of self-discovery.
If you are a natural leader and want to create a life that radiates your full self-expression,
your authenticity,
your unique voice,
and your gifts to help transform the world for the better,
please note that you are being called to step up in your mission.
You are destined to do great things and it will require next-level growth
where you lean into new edges that expand your horizons into a world of infinite possibilities.
In order to empower your community to meet their own greatness within,
you must embody this within yourself first.
If you are ready to create a life of passion and purpose,
to radically own your personal power,
to navigate through life as a natural attractor for the right people and opportunities,
and to channel your service into creative power,
revolutionizing the world with your powerful impact along the way…
I invite you to rise to the occasion
and invest in the next level of your leadership excellence.
The new paradigm of feminine leadership
is putting the spotlight on women
who can lead themselves to unfamiliar and uncomfortable edges
outside of their comfort zone
while owning their personal power
and their creative potential
to shift any circumstances
to one of power and purpose.
Women locked into their personal power
help others to also rise up to meet their GREATNESS.
This coaching program is for you if you are…
Ready for a life beyond the status quo.
You have the certifications and credentials to demonstrate your achieved success thus far.
However, you feel as though something is inherently missing
and that there is more for you to accomplish in this world
in a way that brings you greater joy, happiness, and true fulfillment.
You long for deeper connection, love, and to create a life that is enriched with experiences that go beyond your work.
You are meant for more than the status quo.
Ready to infuse your life with passion and purpose.
It is no longer about showing up everyday from a place of hustle-and-grind
but honoring your unique gifts, value, and the deeper meaning of what you are here to build in this world.
You have the power of channeling your passion into something bigger than yourself
and you are dedicated to making this happen.
Ready to own your personal power.
You are ready to meet your next-level where you are plugged into your personal power
and know you have the authority to transform your life circumstances for that of the better,
thus elevating those you serve to a higher level of power and purpose as well.
Ready to unleash your feminine magnetism.
You already know how to create to-do lists and get things done.
It is time to come back home to your true feminine essence,
leading with feminine principles of grace and compassion.
With a healthy balance and integration of feminine and masculine principles,
you can naturally attract that which you want through powerful inner magnetism
and receive more than you knew to ask for.
On a path of growth and evolution.
You are constantly looking for ways to grow and evolve.
You want to stretch the boundaries of what a powerful leader could represent
and are seeking to embody more feminine principles, including love, compassion, and vulnerability,
which will allow you to hold greater space for the people you serve.
Here to forge a new way and create powerful impact in the world.
You know that the work you do in your lifetime impacts you, your loved ones, and the larger community.
You are ready to birth new ways of being and create positive impact in the world
by being your authentic self and showing others what is also possible for them
by you being a living embodiment of your leadership and wisdom.
This coaching program is powerfully designed to help you…
Meet your next level.
You are ready to step into the fullness of your power and unlock your next level — your upgraded self-confidence, self-mastery, power, boldness, and authority.
Expand through quantum healing.
By clearing any limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns, and resistance that may be holding you back from positive transformation,
you are able to create rapid and beautiful shifts in your life.
Turn up the dial on your feminine power.
You already know what it is like to be super rigid and structured to the point of depletion and burnout.
You are ready to invite in a healthy feminine approach,
which includes setting healthy boundaries around your time and energy
and simultaneously creating more space for flow and ease.
Less hustle and more being.
Less “have to make things happen” and more allowing life to unfold naturally and easily.
Activate your gifts.
You know there is a hidden treasure chest of healing gifts & intuitive abilities within you waiting to be revealed.
You know you have unique gifts that people in your life are drawn to when they need support in their lives
and you desire to integrate this into your work/business and turn your passion into your purpose and income.
You know you have something powerful to share with the world and you are ready to share it in your unique way…
this is your superpower.
Be unreasonable.
You want a certain type of life that does not make sense to others – it goes beyond the status quo.
At this point, you know the only permission you need is your own.
You want what you want without reason or explanation.
You know that at the core of who you are, it is your birthright to be, do, and have it all.
You are ready to up-level in your leadership across all areas of your life –
in work,
your relationships,
your travels,
your home,
your partnerships,
your finances,
your health & well-being.
Client Testimonial
“Before meeting Beena, I was someone that had experienced burnout both professionally and personally.
I had worked with other healers,
incorporated healing practices,
read many personal development books,
and had a relationship/dating coach.
I was someone that carried a “hard work” paradigm.
The burnout led to the development of a health issue,
and I truly did not feel worthy or any closer to my desires.
Others around me seemed to be moving forward.
I felt stuck and stagnant, and like I was sinking deeper into despair.
My self worth and esteem were shot.
I knew I had the power to do something–and it was then that I was led to Beena.
Beena is the most wonderful soul–she is a true healer.
She makes you feel incredibly comfortable and at ease –
and pushes you out of your comfort zone with grace and compassion.
She is your biggest cheerleader and truly wants to see you transform.
In this container, I entered as a cocoon, and transformed into a butterfly.
The tools and practices she offers allow for deep transformation to occur.
She helped me fall more deeply in love with myself (and not in a cliche way),
helped me to see myself as the whole and worthy goddess I am,
and to step into my empowered Queen energy
where my desires flow easily and effortlessly.” – A
We work in a collaborative partnership
to activate your next level.
The container is a highly charged vortex
that amplifies your intentions.