I believe I came to earth to empower humanity.

Rather than teach you how to do something or “make it happen,”

I am here to help you unlock your unique blueprint and create success on your own terms.

This way,

you become self-empowered.

My greatest joy is in seeing women create such extraordinary lives in a holistic way.

As a wife, partner, mother, businesswoman, leader, and more, you get to live a balanced, fulfilling life that meets your needs and surpasses your wildest expectations.

More about why I am devoted to my soul mission…


It is part of my divine life purpose & a higher calling to help women activate their Divine Feminine.

This is my life’s greatest work and my soul purpose.

Through powerful growth and transformation on my healing journey, I have found that my clients often resemble a former version of me – the high-achieving woman who seemingly has it all on paper but feels empty inside. No matter how much success she attains whether through the form of relationships, dream jobs, or luxury travel experiences, it simply does not feel enough.

It is because there is actually a feeling of not being enough that lingers deep inside.

When I was called to surrender to the path of the sacred feminine, I found that all the right doors and opportunities opened up.

Today, I help women activate their Divine Feminine frequency and live from this place of feminine embodiment so that they can naturally attract in everything they desire.

Through this transformational work, women begin to immerse themselves in a new way of being – where it is safe to revel in pleasure, beauty, and in allowing the ebb and flow of this masterpiece called life to take them to greater heights and new horizons.


I am a highly intuitive Medicine Woman. I see, hear, feel & understand your needs and desires - both spoken & unspoken.

On a life-changing trip to visit my family in India when I was 18, I quickly learned that my maternal grandmother is a healer in her village in India. Many people would come to her when they were feeling ill and would be cured with her healing touch. As it turns out, I come from a maternal lineage of powerful healers who graciously passed on their spiritual & healing gifts to me.

As an Oncology Physician Associate, I also witnessed many patients ask to speak with me to have some of the more challenging conversations around death & dying. Within my first year in clinical practice, I saw many patients cross over to the spiritual realm on my watch and I knew this was a profound God-given gift where patients were able to share some of their most vulnerable moments with me.

It is a privilege I do not take care for granted.

Through my own personal experiences, I learned that much like the evolution of a patient who has undergone cancer, there are stages of death and rebirth that people must be willing to go through in order to embody a new identity.

Each next level of you requires a shedding of former patterns and a rewiring of your energetic blueprint that sets you up for the success that you desire.

Through leaning deeper into my own journey, I have learned that the medicine we all seek comes from within.

It fuels my soul in unparalleled ways to empower women and witness them shifting from a place of misalignment to a place of deep soul resonance, where they are powerfully manifesting their external world through an inner creative process.

All of my programs are intentionally designed in a potent way where I am a divine channel for intuitive guidance, energy healing, shamanic practices, powerful energy transmissions, activations, quantum shifts, and transformational coaching – so that my clients can create a life of success that is truly fulfilling.

This means success that is interwoven with a life of true freedom, peace, love, and abundance.

Success on your own terms.


I am a huge proponent of alternative medicine & believe the way of the future is integrated healing that accounts for each person's unique differences.

Through my own journey with cancer at 21, I quickly found that medicine alone was not healing my body in the way I desired it to.

It was through yoga, reiki, and other healing modalities that I began to feel whole again.

I started The Yoga Movement in 2019 after the culmination of multiple serendipitous encounters with both patients and strangers advising me to create a movement in the world of alternative medicine – reflecting back to me what I had already known from my life-altering experience.

These helpers on my path felt the true essence & power of my healing abilities. Consequently, they strongly encouraged me to advocate for alternative healing to be integrated into the modern medicine approach so that more patients could receive finely-tuned holistic care. 

As I began to do the deeper self-inquiry along my spiritual journey, I also found that many successful women were coming to me for advice on life. This opened up an entirely new portal and conveyed to me that healing is not limited to one’s physical health.

There are deeper emotional, energetic, and spiritual components which many of our ancestors knew about.

However, many of the practices, customs, and ceremonies they facilitated have become faint memories for some as western medicine has instilled the idea that one needs to be on pharmaceutical agents in order to thrive.

While I do not disregard that these agents can be helpful in alleviating symptoms and managing diseases, I also am aware that there is deeper healing that needs to be addressed.

When more people awaken to this inner knowing, they will discover that the medicine they seek is truly within.

Your body has all the innate healing codes – our work together helps to unlock this so that you can transform from inside out.


I believe deeply in God.

My faith in a higher power is a relationship I have been cultivating since I was a child. Having grown up in a Catholic church as well as a Hindu temple, I had my own disagreements with the way religion was taught. To this day, I do not fully believe in the indoctrinated forms of religion but rather, a free-flowing movement of spiritual teachings and divine wisdom that brings peace to my mind, body and soul.

We don’t need labels; we need a belief system.

My relationship with God has allowed me to expand beyond any mental limitations and has also provided grace along my path, knowing I am not here to do this work alone.

The missing piece in so many people’s world today is spirituality and faith in something bigger than ourselves. Without this key facet, people will try to aimlessly go at endeavors that are not aligned with who they are destined to be. I have witnessed one too many times both in my life as well as in my world where people do little to no inner work around transforming their limiting beliefs and, yet, positive outcomes happen.


Through faith, a world of miracles naturally opens up – what I like to call miracle consciousness.

Miracles happen everyday…

Why would they not also happen for you?

By inviting a higher power into your life, you actually unlock a new level of freedom because you are willing to say you do not know all the information and it is safe for you to be led by a force that can take care of all of the details as you go about living your life.

Our work together involves faith-based coaching that will ignite your relationship with a higher force in whatever way this looks like for you and also carries the potential to deepen already existing relationships with the divine. 


I have helped hundreds of women heal holistically & manifest their desires. My human design is manifestor.

Being a manifestor by human design means I am organically an activator & initiator for women in my world. 

Our work together cuts through the superficiality and goes straight into deep, soul-level healing that is required for you to make massive shifts in your 3D reality.

We move quickly.

And efficiently.

Massive quantum leaps into a new reality happen in my world.

As a clear channel for intuiting divine guidance, I create safe and intimate containers for the deepest, most profound healing, growth, & expansion to take place.

The integration of healing and transformational coaching helps women exceed their own self-imposed limitations and ask for bigger and better in their lives from a place of high self-confidence and self-worth. 

I believe every woman carries powerful codes to everything her heart desires.

When she unleashes her personal power, activates her Divine Feminine, and surrenders to a new way of being,

she unlocks these codes through her own transformation. 

Yoga Teacher, Energy Healer, Women's Coach, Physician Assistant, Divine Feminine

What clients have to say…

Beena was our guest Yoga presenter at BodyHoliday St Lucia in October. She did a phenomenal job, guests really appreciated her authenticity, professionalism and personalisation. Working with Beena was a breeze as she always thinks what’s best for her clients and has an infectious positive energy. I highly recommend Beena and would work again with her in a heart beat.

Daryn B., Health & Well-Being Leader at BodyHoliday in St. Lucia

I took one sacred feminine energy yoga class with Beena and it impacted me more than I ever thought it would. With Beena, I was able to see the bigger picture when it came to developing my inner agni. She allowed me to really see the therapeutic and healing practice of feminine yoga. Working with Beena as an events partner and as a student gifted me knowledge, confidence and understanding and all of it with an open heart.

Euxhenia Hodo, ZO Spaces

First I’d like to say that I took Beena’s class after trying pretty much everything. I was a fast moving driven person raised and living in Manhattan with no time for anything. Even though I have a great career, I was constantly feeling anxiety, irritated and my mind was in the future (always trying to be 2 steps ahead) I took Beena’s class in St Lucia (BodyHoliday). I figured I would blend in and she would eventually realize that I’m not really good/average and focus on the more advanced – BOY was I wrong. First, she has a really nurturing and calm energy about her. I couldn’t believe how effortlessly she synced with everyone’s energy. she knew when and how to speak to individuals. She discussed more advanced things with some, while explaining it to all. She transitioned from, yoga, mindful meditation, acknowledgments and so many other things so effortlessly I couldn’t believe how relaxed and empowered I felt while breaking a sweat(yes you also get really toned)! She took the time to talk to us individually really focusing on our journey and giving amazing advice. With her techniques I have now learned to live in the present more. I feel more empowered mentally and less defensive. I’m breathing a lot easier, and FINALLY taking the time to honor my body (even between the toes – her saying in yoga). I am trying to see if my firm can book Beena for some in office wellness group sessions (yes she is that good) Can’t thank her enough! Highly recommended

– Ken G.

Beena did a 1 on 1 virtual yoga session with me in the midst of the COVID pandemic. She spent the first few minutes exploring my mind set and intentions for the session which set a tone of real connectedness with her. Her soothing voice guided me through a gentle flow that really released some major tension I was feeling almost like she was reading my mind on what I needed to hear and let go of in that moment. It is evident she takes her practice seriously with the utmost professionalism and puts all her heart into it. She makes the session indivdualized and unique just for you. Her passion emanated into me. I was so relaxed after the session, I showered and slept like a baby that night. I am looking forward to our next session together! She has a true gift.

– Corinne S. –

I hired Beena to lead a gentle stretching and meditation session for myself and a group of coworkers as a team building activity. We spoke on the phone two times to really tailor the session for my team and Beena was able to build in everything we requested. We really worked well together and Beena was really receptive to feedback, which is always important to me. She also made herself available to answer question from my team. I highly recommend Beena for group sessions in addition to individual sessions!

Anne D., Arkadium –

We were looking for private yoga instruction at our home and Beena was absolutely awesome! She is the calm, encouraging presence we needed to kickstart our yoga practice. There is no question you will be satisfied if you engage Beena’s services. It’s like getting a friend to come guide you!

Nancy K.

I had some wonderfully healing sessions with Beena at the BodyHoliday in October. I was lucky enough to have a 1:1 where we both laughed, cried and connected as soul sisters. Her wisdom, philosophy and depth of understanding around our hopes and fears has guided me far beyond our session. Her sunset yoga classes on the ocean deck, looking out at the sea, are memories which will stay with me for a long time. Thank you, Beena, for sharing your journey with me and for helping me move forward on mine with meaning.

Laura –


Frequently Asked Questions

Which private mentorship program should I enroll in - Ignite Your Queen or Heal Your Life?

Both containers involve close proximity to me, with personalized coaching, Voxer support, and customized practices, rituals, and action plans for your desired success.

Ignite Your Queen is a high-touch coaching program specifically for feminine leaders ready to take their leadership to the next level – through the feminine lens of compassion, vulnerability, and innate magnetism.

Heal Your Life is a high-touch coaching program for women looking to heal on a holistic level – physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, finances, career/business, and more.  It is a holistic transformation that occurs on a physical, energetic, spiritual, mental, and emotional level. 

Am I guaranteed to see the results I deeply desire?

If you put in the work and show up in your full power to make the shifts happen, you will see positive results in your life. The measure of those results, however, will depend on a number of factors, including your commitment to doing the work, showing up to your calls, applying the practices and tools to your everyday life, communicating any questions or areas that I can provide support with, and taking full accountability for your growth. 

What if I want to work with you for a longer period of time than what your coaching package entails?

My programs typically span over 3, 6, or 12 months. Extension programs are also available upon request after a program is completed.

Can I get a partial or full refund if the program is not right for me?

Out of deep courtesy and respect for my time, energy, and the incredibly valuable tools and practices I implement and share, there are no refunds. However, you are not obligated to complete a program if you choose not to.

The Yoga Movement